Visualize your ideas.
Realize your vision.

Slidebid is an information design and visualization agency. We use visuals to help you tell richer stories so you can capture your audience’s imagination and win their trust.

What we do

Visual documents

Build a powerful narrative with the right visuals. We can help you tailor your visual story and mix in perceptual science in order to build credibility and engagement.  Our solutions include:

💼 Pitch and bid design
🖥 Presentation design
🎓 e-Learning and manuals

Information design

Create clear and convincing visualizations and reveal stories in data. We can help you guide attention and showcase visual evidence effortlessly. Our solutions include:

💡 Infographics 
📊 Data visualization 
👆 Interactive visuals

Digital enablement

Implement visualization in your organization effectively. We can help you adopt design in your practice and step up your game. Our solutions include:

🧩 Template development
🌐 Microsite design
🚀 Adoption and digital skills training

Recent work

What we're about

Design by doing

We believe that the truth lies in the process. We blend design and analysis to uncover the essence in your story.


Narratives are fluid. Your projects should be too. We keep things flexible and always leave space for fresh ideas.


We like to resonate with your broader context and go beyond a transactional service.

We partner with many, including:

The Equity Partner

engaged in closing a big deal. 

The Consultant

preparing a three-year project case.

The Sales Director

communicating that crisp value proposition.

The Executive Trainer

looking to land that “aha” moment.

The Event Hero

wanting to highlight the perfect agenda.

The Product Manager

showcasing the new product strategy.

Decided you'd like to know us better? Continue with a free consultation.